About Me

     Welcome to the Hey, Grandma blog.

     From the time I was a little girl, I remember watching my grandmother sew.  She made quilts and wedding dresses, and dresses for me, most of the time cutting a pattern out of newspaper.  Don't know how she did it and I am still amazed to this day.  What can I say, she had a gift.  I still have the quilt she made me out of a dress I outgrew a long time ago. My mother did not get the sewing gene.  She tried, and I appreciate her efforts (I can say that now, but when you get a homemade corduroy skirt  with some of the nap going the wrong direction and you are in the 8th grade, it is a little embarrassing.)  That was about the time I really got serious about learning to sew.  Either that, or get used to the snickering.  By the time I was 12 I had won a blue ribbon at the State Fair for a jumper and blouse I made.  I have been sewing ever since.
     I also got hooked on genealogy (family history) at an early age.  Back in the day, my mom would take me to all the family reunions and I would sit with the older folks and listen to their stories.  The bug bit and throughout the years I have had many wonderful experiences finding lost ancestors and meeting new "cousins".  If you don't know a lot about your family history, I would suggest you talk to older family members and get some starting point information.  It is fulfilling to find out about the folks who contributed to who you are.
     I'm also a  paper crafter, quilter, thrift store shopper, mom and grandma. I have fabric and paper stashes that I try to keep under control---most of the time, but the temptation does come calling. I don't like to let anything go to waste, and have been known to save tiny paper and fabric scraps because "I just might need that someday."
     I have 3 grandchildren that I adore.  They put everything in perspective, not to mention the antics that leave us laughing for days.  This blog actually came about because of our grandson, Caleb.  When he has something to say, it always begins with "Hey, Grandma..."  and he comes up with some one-liners and stories that you wouldn't believe.  Thank you, Caleb.  You helped me try something new.  Now I am an official blogger.
     I like to learn new ideas and techniques and improve on the things I have had some experience with.  This blog is an outlet for me to share my experiences with you, good and bad, encourage you to try new things and just let yourself go and let the creative juices flow.

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